Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fuel Up...Sponsorship...Down kot!

Hye there, for some of you that might come across this blog. Today is my second day of my work.It seems that everything is running as what i aspected and now still learning of few stuff. Dah banyak benda kita dengar from here and there la about the increased price of fuel. Well, to name a few event the street demo as well as some opposition party put up banners and bunting asking the favor for the rulling government to lower down the price with subsidies. Well, we have heard enough of the burden from the government losing money from it. With so called huge investments being made through the north, south and also east region, we may also think its a waste to most of us.
As what been the big issues currently, news about the government cutting their cost of organizing such huge event such as 'rumah terbuka', fairwell dinner or meetings la pa benda lgi la kan. I can consider it as a tiny step towards making a good government. Its a few % of the MESRA RAKYAT la kan. So whats next..cut cost travelling la, buying gift visitors la..okay okay..good idea to pak!..tapi...A huge tapi..KAMI NIE DAPAT you guys should be better in the sense of giving back to the malaysians la kan..i hope to hear a very good plans from u what u guys did for the economic corridor ....
Aku terfikir gak...kalau dah mcm nie...nanti bdk bdk universiti yg nak buat event sure susah nak dpt sponsorship..harga minyak la nie..hihi plus cut cost lagi..nanti brapa plak harga sorang kena bayar for dinner ke..ape ke..aduh aduh!!
lepas tue, sure nak buat baju jadi mahal some more..hih..student plak nak budget..duit mkn lagi, rokok, assignment..jln2, upgrade pc ke..hihih..all the best for you guys..
aku nie takde kerja..baru habis training melepak dulu..kerja takde!!
azreel feiza
garu sendir terasa, garu org lain pun ada rasa!