Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Acquaintance of Scott Pt3: Friends and Hunters

Scott sees his friends as brothers and sisters. Design to fit into his interest and well adjust to family like relationship. Its just great and good times.

She believe in everything and so do Scott. But Scott put much of his believe to his chain of friends.In which later cut his heart for friends that betray his trust and frienship. He is now steeping into new route. To destination that can be a feeling of calm and security.

Breathing peacefully and head up. He walks with people that allows him dream and imagine to a world that far beyond ordinary state of mind. Like he always did when he was at young.

Scott and others like Nick, Zamir, Apis and Stanley have a hell of great time. Boys with Bikes those days. They can be claim as the Road Heroes of Kuching. Spent most of their time cycling and mountain biking around town. Scott used to ride to his school, go to his late Grandpa's house and lazy rides every evening.

On mid year of 1999. The black, sad day. Bitterly awful for him to remember.

"Sam, i got to win man.My only chance to earn that title."

"Dude, i bet you will. The whole team are looking forward for your victory and our pride"

" Yupe!. Its going to be my Third Title. Spread the word dude"

" Haha, go get it Scott!"

Its a 2KM uphill and 5 KM downhill challenge. Tough and rough. Dirt and ugly. The final course to determine the King of Down Hill..King of Santubong. The most exclusive title for young bikers like Scott. His confident are higher that the great mount. The uphill journey took him the third placing for time score. He need to be faster than that. Up on the second peak, his ego and bravery called for one-on-one challenge. Who Albert of Irish challenged Emanuel Gambit from Sarawak that later end his life 800m before the finish line.

He Smile when Shaharul, who is also his team mate took the deal. Both race fiecely dowhill. It was a simple route. Lots of straight cut and simple turning. He was like few seconds away from Shaharul. Sweats drops like rain falls. He can hear friends shouting his name. Some of them are behing the course line.

Scott take some time to wave at them. on a 15 meters aways to the last straight and then 6 rough turns on 35 digs downhill, he took a deep breath and ride as fast and he can. Approaching the first turn, he smoothly turn left down 5m right and that third turn of 10m changed his dream to nightmare.

"Yes,that turn ..yes"..

"Owh bloody shit"

Kapish..kedebook..and end

Scott felt down the clift. 20m away from the course and about 50meter depth. Medium thick jungle.

" Scott.. Scott...wake up..."

" Bro wake up..we are here"

" W4T4F4K....what where am i?"

"Lucky you are still on earth my friend. Sorry we are late"

"Blood or scar"

" Sir, broken knee and some bruise"

" What...arghhh..damn..arghh"

"shit...shut up.."


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Acquaintance of Scott Pt2: Body Language

She is not a mystery to him. Not a strange mother's nature acts. The world seems to be cruel these days. And human among themself are crawling from the misery that come from the devil inside each heart.

She walks among the average. Her words gets mixed once awhile. It seems to be the colours of life among friends with her silly jokes and making up new words. Not well recorded but well preserve in the memoribia. She was the apple. An apple so rare that no scietific discovery had ever encounter with.

"Damn, its feels good to feel free. I got it all figured out. Nothing to worry about. Damn, its good to be me."

We are quite far from each other. We could only see and speak once awhile. The dinner place are bit to crowded. The plac are to big to to decide where to have our sweet date under the jungle of fruits.

The northern parts are very much away from the sound and air pollution. Foods are very cheap. I could say that it is the cheapest in Malaysia. The hectic city noise and troublesome are not here in Perlis. Perhaps!.

But what is so interesting abouth this smallest country in Malaysia is that you can get bored easily. Seriously. If you cant find the right friends and the right place to hang out, you'll find hell is besides you. Well unless u are so angel and good enough...heaven my be on top of you.

She seems to be well adjust with the the village enviroment. The ballad of wind, birds and the waving leaf is the nicest melody. Scott have long life in the same kind when he was in his home town. Holding on, he have the illusion of hip happening city of Kuala Lumpur that he missed so much.

Scott have never tried to get close to her. Being alone in his world of fantasy. Stuck in the time of dreams, he visualize the greatness of love that he wish it can be the most wonderful thing ever happen.

"What can i be. Should i be Bold, Suave, Sexy and Tall for to fall in love with me"...

" or i should be mystery, unknown and mystical for her to noticed me."

"Its a mystery, Maybe i don't really want to know how i should act."

Maybe Scott will never be. Maybe scott will have to be walking alone in the search of what is true love means.

The awesome movie, Crazy/Beautiful motivates him. The storyline are so close with his life. Its like acarbon copy of his reality that was put up in a hollywood movie.

Well, later that he knew, that his life is like the breaking news of the people around him. Its seems that most people are putting their ears and eyes towards him. A big question why...perhaps the envy of the typical male and female that loves to know. Its crazy. Not a joyest thing happening but yeah, atleast he is in the centre stage of people.

She seems not have any interest. Maybe yes..or maybe not. He just can't feel it. But lucky day.On that tiny  liltle time, given by chance and taking his luck. Small kissed on the forehead does a great happiness. He felt the sunshines and rain at the same time.

That simple body language keeps him happy. That moment of glory and that first step of evrthing that may happen in line.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Acquaintance of Scott Pt 1: Making Legends

He jumped off the gated garden and fall on the ground. A dark tall guy standing infront. He barely see who is that guy. That bright sun shines behind the unknown make his eyebrows looks like a line of hair across his forehead.
"Boy, i suggest you run as fast as you can"
"Okay sir, i run and never look back"
"hahaha..really...my dogs are very hungry this evening and missed the taste human legs"
He run and pointing both of his hand making the sign 'Fuck' to that guy. Soon as he running to catch his breath, a black Japan made car stopped and shout; " What are you up to now?..Get in the car".
In that car, he listen to his mother nagging and scolding. He listen on par his imagination of a military car chasing red dragon, a fat red dragon running tiredly.
"Scott, are you listening?"
Scott, born just like other boys in this world. He form a such emotional symptoms during ever encountare of any situation. His natural charm is his idea, his likability comes from the great imagination. The adaptation is best suit to fit the title; God of Wildthings. But nobody take that serious advantage. Not even in the blood link. He once write a story about a bitter day, noted that;
"I don't know why. I lose myself around my family. I feel like wallpaper".
Like in the movies; the good guys get the girls. I reality, the bad guys get the good girls. Sadden by a story of a girl he knew. Story that marely the same as what he'd done. And so he whisper to his heart; "is there any sweetest love story in this world..and bizarre"
A person named Jim, born in London who makes postcard for living. He is unhappy and lonely and unaware of that feeling. Jim's life change forever when he received a postcard from an unknown lady; Sheenia. Since then both keep exchanging postcard and illustrations. Both tell stories from what they crafted on the postcard.
Jim comes to realize that he is in love with Sheenia. His uncertainty as Sheenia true nature and her presence in his life has brought their relation to another level. Soulmates. Far among each other, they both draw pictures of their faces. make promises and busy selling their arts near the streets.
For year and countless day, both decided to meet in Hawaii and till then they become pure lovers till both rest peacefully on a dark fierce eath quake. (not that sweet story)
We all do hate the fact that the world will change, people come and go, times wont wait and worse death will come. In Scott, all he cares is his life. At the age of 10, he visualize the happiness, at age 18, he knows what to do and 25 null. Lost in between the lust and ultimate interest to find his way towards the good life.
Scott seems to be married with bad luck. Cheated by the images in the television. The Sweet romance drama and wonderous victory. We are in a game. be what ever god you are, you are not alone o be blame.

Lost British in Ulu Kelang Pt12: The Plot Summary....yeah.i guess so!!

It is not a new question to be asked. Just for those that have your brain working thinking why he would named this series of blog post ' The Lost British in Ulu Kelang'. Well, it is not really a rocket science to know why.

There are more like me in this world. Well most of them ended becoming writters, novelist and maybe poets. Some are famous director. I try not to name anyone. But later that we all knew, it all comes under one matter of thing; IMAGINATION.

Lost Brtish in Ulu Kelang is my adaptation of life in a view of my protagonist act in life. And as you all knew, for the past posting blogs, the characters are those who have been around in my life. Be it good or bad. Again, no name mentioned. These names will so or later reveal through similiration with other words. For Example Strawberry Tart; a term in the roughty, Boot boys yard somewhere in England. Describe as a sweetest term of all among others in the gang. Strawberry Tart is also define as the Heart of a person. So i guess you are wise enough to determine who that strawberry tart refers to!

My protagonist travels from the good old days to the place of unknown possibilities. I form allianced with new friends and reunite with the old hunters. Well, both me and you have the same perception; friends and who are there. We may become very selective and vigilant while talking with them, hanging out, spend the night hours and wall to wall at facebook.

This blog is will much likely becoming an Epistolary novel..well sort of i guess.

Allow me to revive or upgrade the story. Its is a realism, mimics the life of Azreel Scott Morrissey.
