2010 nearly come to the end now. Minus days and hours its a new year coming in. Well, fortunately and vice versa, its a wondeful year thou it bring lots of misery and psychopathic moments. Above all the rumble trouble and sometimes unable to stop the circumstances, i pause and smile for a short while. Having a deph thinking of the pleasure being so in that situation at that part of time.
Again, i am not a great writer. Should i explain. rather not, coz it will make you the reader more stupid for not noticing the false and fault of my words and language. It all about the passion. Its the interest and wanting to level up myself. One wise person who i adore once said, its not always about the mind, but the heart that counts. But i always will remember that "I will never have it all together". I need t stay calm, focus and keep on trying to level up my standard. My standard does not relate or have any common sense with my style, designers fashion or custom cars. my standard is that, becoming wealthy. Ofcoz, i need to stay healthy too.
Dreaming. Its a verb. Love is a verb too. The chemistry that is so simple between those two verb makes its so complicated to understand among ordinary person. Everything that we have right now, what we see, touch, smell and heard about started from dreams. I would like to that all of my dream become true one day. I would love to smile and be proud of it. To others its sounds normal and ordinary, but to my great self that all of my dreams are special. I have not shared my wildest and most awesome visualization of dragons and alien yet. Coz if i do so, the psychatric personnel my come to my house and adopt me to become their pet brother. (sign)
Life is always about what is coming...not what was. I seems to be lost in the meaning of that phrase myself. Too much of hurt and obsticles. Baricade my walks and joy...arghh ngantuk plus nak survey shop lots..out!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Scott Morrissey Vs The DIY Life Pt4 - Plains and Dreams
I am a great man. Powerful of making change. Better than other people. Despite some studies shows that women evolution grows better by year compare to men. But i am superhuMAN. Just don't be so 'stereotyping' having this superhuman thinggy and relates it to the 'Incredible hulk' or 'super handsome ' Superman.'
Making change is usually or commonly should involve a huge changing, a revolution, moving forward or making it possible which from a single person or a leader that gives great impact to the mass. But in my context, my own world, I am trying to move forward, walking toward my dream.
I am now dreaming. Just like everyone else. Having that imagination of you becoming better in future. This is what you called 'Day dreaming'. Back in school days, we be punish or end up standing on a chair with your hands pinching your ears.
Now that I grew older and wiser...I am free to dream at any time I want. Even if I am behind the wheels, I am sure that my mind is somewhere in my own world but my focus is on the road. A good thing that I will not be in trouble for day dreaming.
But the trouble with day dreaming when you are above 21 years 'young'; you will stuck in that moment of dreaming if you do nothing to undertake and prosper the dream, you are dead and gone! Useless I might say. But I am sure, like a good gentleman should do, you must have planned something indeed.
I myself a failure. Still ...maybe. I remember that one day I said;
"Sayang, I think I am a failure. I wish to be part of the great man in advertising arena..but now I am stuck"
And she said;
" Jangan risau, bukan sekarang tapi bila Tuhan kata sesuai". (Don't worry, if not now, God knows when it is right time)
It was before I resigned I realise that my dream to be the great industry player of advertising world had vanished. Gone before time allows me too. But it was that time I had another dream. A dream that could probably change my life.
I am always a great fan of Money. love money and love the great affairs of what money can do. So, living my current life with lots of limitation towards having money and spending it. I crafted my great business plan. It’s not that extraordinary, but it could be consider as a good idea back then and currently visualizing the unique and iconic business that could be a reality in 2020.
I don't thrive in office environment. I don’t play office politic very well. So I knew that even if i work hard, applying myself to the job, I wouldn't be promoted. There always a limit to that and to my salary as well. I also think of flexibility of time.
As to date, I have four small and medium business plans in which all will generate two of my ultimate business dream. In which these small business scale could help do some finance aid to my bigger dreams. Well, having less money to enjoy is a good thing too. At least I can keep some money rather than my job currently which I barely able to keep aside some of it.
In the beginning, you have to do everything on your own. I always have that words in my mind and never assume you have everything in order. It's all a matter of attitude. Lack of capital is never a problem in starting a business.
Starting small and building capacity and confidence in the spirit of Azreel Feiza Zahari. Life is like business cycle; Start-up, growth, maturity and decline or more growth. As by today, he is still at the planning process.
Just like our parent use to be when they thinking of making it happen. It matters of, "How big can we grown the family and how many the house can fit and what amount involve". May take some time, but he is so sure that he could be the next 'Rising Dragon of Malaysia'.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Scott Morrissey Vs the DIY Life Pt3: My Words are vain...So?
Pardon me. Just admit it. I am the confidence man. I walk head high and chin up. Certain time i need to be down to earth but i am still a humble man which in time is the humanest of hearts too.
So, i was in my deep journey into my own universe. Level up my imaginations. Thats why i call it "My Words are vain...So?". Shall be shared later.
I am writing a character. The one that truly be my own projection. I am writing about Azreel Feiza Zahari / Scott Morrissey. Am i a pscho-maniac freak. Well no clinical evidence or such to proof so. I am not even declared "dignose - Acute Split -Personality".
Yes. I am still Waras!.
Its my sagacity. Experience is the only guide here; but as no one man can be coextensive with what is, it may be unwise in every case to rest upon it.
Strange. Freaky.
Well, it a amusement tho!. Here are my words of vain...So?
"Hola Brother!..whats up with you lately"
"urghh, morning bastard...fucking busy and some sort of big meeting coming it man"
"scott, listen dear friend...stop working for awhile. Take time to have your great time away from this money making thing. Come one you are still 45. Enjoy it !"
" hahaha...i am having my time here brother. She is all i got. My life, my stacks and my rides are for her"
" Gosh, fuck up!...you bvloody bastard...scott you in Tv...switch on to Hard Talk now "
" its a repeat man..i've watch it many times now"
Hard Talk: With the Young Rising Dragon of Malaysia; Azreel Scott Morrissey.
"So Azreel,What you been up to now. You have your Bubbles Cars Wash chains, Units of budget house-for-rent, units of Apartments-room-for-rent and The Iconic Tube'N Square lodge. Thats is tottaly an amazing business for a young city boy."
" Thank you Shayne. Well, i've been 8 years since i started my first Buubles cars Wash. and 8 months later i started to expand it. Slowly in increase the stacks and i invested to my budget-accomodations. Now that people talking about luxury and all-inclusive hotels. So who goona look up for those who have limted expanditure on traveling."
" Who is behind this great idea? I believe you and your other half involve in some of you major companies"
"hahaha..major companies. Scott Vain is not listed in the stock exchange but yeah. we do have great load in the bank. Thanks to the great growth and economy relife which makes people move. On the basis of who is the idea behind it. Well its a coalition of idea. We need 3 important friends in life, 1. Finance, 2. Lawyers and from the 3. Economy."
" So who are this people. Are they in your company."
" No. These are my friends. We meet up at mamak stalls...we talk bullshit and yeah..the ideas is there. and please note that, these people are older than me.."
"Indeed its a mystery there Azreel. Now, your iconic Tube'N Square Lodge located at 3 cities, KL, KK and Kuching. Whats with that. And i was reading this report that you expand not more that 1 year. Thats consider fast for a new business players"
" Shayne, my magic portion of business comes from my lesson in life. 4 things that i put in:
1. Gamble: Gamble your chances. Its that point of time that you need to level up your company
2. Cheat: yes, cheat yourself. Saying that its not enough.
3. Lie: Lie to your enemy. Make sure its a good crap.
4. Kill: When you get it. Kill everything thats is a must in the business. Grab it all in sense.
" We are raching our last 5 minutes and whats next Mr. Dragon"
" Well, Me and my wife are looking forward to have the Yatch and Shipping industry in our chain of company. Maybe some shares here and there. and yeah...hope to have our dream house in hawaii soon.
" Haha..well said, i bet your luxury house in Palau is enough. Its great tho...Wonderful."
" Yeah..it is...but we make money but we cant keep it to long baby..spend it!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Scott Morrissey Vs the DIY Life Pt 2 : Crash-Overide-Burn
I'm in need of you now. As the great half and my savior. I am lost in my own world and trying to mix it all together in our great life to share.
I'm in the ballad of self-achievment dilema. I bet all of us been in this situation. Or may not yet. Sometime you will get in and stuck in the moment. Wondering...How the hell i get into this?
The answers are quite crystal. Its in your mind, heart and soul. As for m. Enough said from previous post.
Azreel Feiza Zahari / Reel / El / Scott/ Morrissey /Scott Morrissey / GILER!
He is not some kind of fairy tale. He is what i am. I still see the minutes and hoursof life. See people from shadows, thorugh the window and skies that lower.
Be i am in the tower. 360 degree views of through the window. I rest my mind alongside my angel that ris my will up. I am the tower man. I am the leader.
Cracking up. Most probaly for some. Nonsence. Perhaps!
Scott Morrissey and his Michiko!
A lovely birds. Birds that fly, dive and walks. Does everything beyond the typical couples of birds. For both are god's made. Beutiful flower glooms, making wild colours, enhanced frangrance and smooth life. She is my wonderwall. She is the one who will catch me when i fall.
When i am driving, i sometimes turn on the radion and find very often that i am listening to the business, marketing and investment topics. These are telephone conversation or intense discusion to the current market situation.
But i find my very best interest of rocking my driving and sing-along with the songs being played. I will be in my estacy when my favourite song on air such as 'Purple Rain- Prince' or ' FreeBird-Lynd Skyd. I dont really have all the words in my memory but it give you one kind of feeling.
Not many of people around the world knows that my blog exist. But yet i am trying to fit into these internet-social community. Part of me is in the Facebook and some at advertising portals.
I have this thing in my mind. Making some rare chance in the global market. Trying to reach to the silver skies. Many had become successfull through making themself know from the nets. Well, i just want people to read. To have something different from ordinary blog posting.
I am personally quite convinced that no matter what training or education I might have received, I could never have run a four-minute mile, discovered a new planet, composed a Beethoven quartet, or risen to any of other innumerable heights of human achievement. I feel in no way demeaned by these inadequacies.
As I think any person of normal endowments probably is, of appreciating and in part understanding what others have accomplished, while making my own personal contributions in whatever measure and manner I am able to do so.
But i am crash-overide-burn person. Scott Morrissey is dead by not death. He is a living tales of his own. Slowly crafting, visualizing his future and making his name known one day.
He is still glad that Michiko is still breathing with him. Still have the heart and soul.
My pleasure in life is enhanced by the fact that others can do many things that I cannot, and I see no reason to want to deny these people the opportunity to cultivate their talents, consistent with general social needs. Difficult questions of practice are sure to arise in any functioning social group, but I see no problem of principle.
I am sure that one day i will. I wish it to be soon. But yet, i may need to get that 'Hammer Time' first before i can lead.
Now dear love, friends and readers, perhaps that you think Azreel Feiza Zahari / Reel / El / Scott/ Morrissey /Scott Morrissey / GILER! is only a melancholy; but he is more. The view is ungly but a vast differences. The one may show the world still beautiful, not so the other. The one may be compatible with benevolence, the other not and he is the one may deepen insight, the other shallows it.
Moving his steps towards recovery from the Crash-Overide-Burn situation.
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Yeah...i like..! |
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Scott Morrissey Vs the DIY life Pt 1 - Mind Power and Its weakess point
Everyword, every second, every move and every day comes in order of the Almighty God. For us the human, shall pray, praise and be in great modest and honesty.
People ask the question... why Scott Morrissey?
And I tell 'em - it's not about drums, drugs, and hospital drips, oh no. There's more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the drugs, other the sex game, the glamour, or the fame.
But a Scott Morrissey, oh, he's different. Why? Because a real Scott Morrissey wants the fucking lot.
What do you think this is, hide and seek?
Eh, its crystal here. and through all, perhaps you will understand why.
I am not a nother boy, neither southern. I am the man who cherish the Union Jacks and its priorities around the world. having respect to the Queen and i am teliing you, i am not a greek boy too. I am just a wasted , rebel rude boy. Stuck in the moment of truth.
Moment of discovery for most said. For fuck's sake, it aint a carnival or fun fair here. Well, i am close being stupid...but i am stupid proof. So wisely thinking, i am the fucking-great-pain in the arse-and pretty boy-with good brain and words.
I've through everything. I am on my knees now. Looking up at Him. And with words;
"Dear Almighty Allah, you seems to be ignorance...are you..can't you see i am tired of this sickening life. God, please...don't let me drown deeper. Seriously..Amin"
Am i a bad person to be talking in my prayer like that. Am i?
Should you judge me? If i could be you, i would say, "Argh, Oxy-Moron"..Yeah, probaly like that.
Funny eh!.Oi, Life should be with colours better than grey or blue.
My mind is magic. I got the bunny inside my head, the MC2 , Something Guy Ritchie, a bottle of special brew and coloured pensil. Well that some of it. Mind of Magic should have more than that. WIth wonders surely.
Is it horrible honey. Am i a terrible useless punk? I am proud that i've been there and i've done that. Sight!
i was a street scum, loaded with heart full of anger. A fighter inside. Scott Morrissey is very thin that time. Having very dark history. I refuse to share my scars and blood.
Well, it weakens my ability to moved forward. Whenever things doest go as i planned. I am paralyzed. Burden and stressed!
My mind said, focus brother. With love, Focus!.
All you need to know about life is retained within those four walls. You will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of splendor.
The gold packet of money with a royal King insignia, an attractive implication towards glamor and wealth; the subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends, and that, Peter Griffin is a clown.
My other personality,trying to draw my attention to the flip side of the discussion, written in boring bold black and white, it's a statement that these neat little bastards of death are, in fact, trying to kill you and that, Peter Griffin, is the President of United States.
That life of sweet or bitter. Or starts bitter to sweet. Which ever first.!
People ask the question... why Scott Morrissey?
And I tell 'em - it's not about drums, drugs, and hospital drips, oh no. There's more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the drugs, other the sex game, the glamour, or the fame.
But a Scott Morrissey, oh, he's different. Why? Because a real Scott Morrissey wants the fucking lot.
What do you think this is, hide and seek?
Eh, its crystal here. and through all, perhaps you will understand why.
I am not a nother boy, neither southern. I am the man who cherish the Union Jacks and its priorities around the world. having respect to the Queen and i am teliing you, i am not a greek boy too. I am just a wasted , rebel rude boy. Stuck in the moment of truth.
Moment of discovery for most said. For fuck's sake, it aint a carnival or fun fair here. Well, i am close being stupid...but i am stupid proof. So wisely thinking, i am the fucking-great-pain in the arse-and pretty boy-with good brain and words.
I've through everything. I am on my knees now. Looking up at Him. And with words;
"Dear Almighty Allah, you seems to be ignorance...are you..can't you see i am tired of this sickening life. God, please...don't let me drown deeper. Seriously..Amin"
Am i a bad person to be talking in my prayer like that. Am i?
Should you judge me? If i could be you, i would say, "Argh, Oxy-Moron"..Yeah, probaly like that.
Funny eh!.Oi, Life should be with colours better than grey or blue.
My mind is magic. I got the bunny inside my head, the MC2 , Something Guy Ritchie, a bottle of special brew and coloured pensil. Well that some of it. Mind of Magic should have more than that. WIth wonders surely.
Is it horrible honey. Am i a terrible useless punk? I am proud that i've been there and i've done that. Sight!
i was a street scum, loaded with heart full of anger. A fighter inside. Scott Morrissey is very thin that time. Having very dark history. I refuse to share my scars and blood.
Well, it weakens my ability to moved forward. Whenever things doest go as i planned. I am paralyzed. Burden and stressed!
My mind said, focus brother. With love, Focus!.
All you need to know about life is retained within those four walls. You will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of splendor.
The gold packet of money with a royal King insignia, an attractive implication towards glamor and wealth; the subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends, and that, Peter Griffin is a clown.
My other personality,trying to draw my attention to the flip side of the discussion, written in boring bold black and white, it's a statement that these neat little bastards of death are, in fact, trying to kill you and that, Peter Griffin, is the President of United States.
That life of sweet or bitter. Or starts bitter to sweet. Which ever first.!
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This is how Scott Morrissey looks like...Gotcha!! |
Acquaintance of Scott Pt6: With a Liltle Smile Everyday!
I wish i could be the man i wanted to be. The person that i visualize when i was 15 years old. The man who showers his pride and friends. Unfortunately, its a tough and rough world indeed. Yeah, luckily i have my strawberry tart in my life. She is a gift of wonders. I talked to God that other night;
"Ya Allah, Terima kasih. I bet you know my life would be this tough huh...Good thing you met her heart with me..Thanks. Amin"
When i open my eyes. I realise that things are still going like the way it should be. But how i wish that we could just close our eyes, i say it in our heart "to the Moon' and make a small jump...kapishh You are on the moon. Breathing normally. And you could see shooting star, Satelite floating in that dark space. And sudden low speed unidentfy flying object passes by. Waving hand at you.
and when you are about to leave the moon. The bright sun speaks " Hence, shall parish upon alive step on ya Earth!"..if i were you. This would be my language. (being so rude boy)
" Oi, Who the fuck you i am, eh?"..."Oi, are you listening?"...(arggghh, fucking, kratsgohospatosh-faggots club-arse cunt...Fuck off oi...If you are the devil, Remember..Add me in Facebook...Chow Bitch..or whoever..."
And yeah..that would be me. hahaha..Its August now.
I missed our great times. Missed all those crazy stuff and our ordinary things. For a life time, i cherish every liltle bits of it.
Owhh fuck..lapar!
"Ya Allah, Terima kasih. I bet you know my life would be this tough huh...Good thing you met her heart with me..Thanks. Amin"
When i open my eyes. I realise that things are still going like the way it should be. But how i wish that we could just close our eyes, i say it in our heart "to the Moon' and make a small jump...kapishh You are on the moon. Breathing normally. And you could see shooting star, Satelite floating in that dark space. And sudden low speed unidentfy flying object passes by. Waving hand at you.
and when you are about to leave the moon. The bright sun speaks " Hence, shall parish upon alive step on ya Earth!"..if i were you. This would be my language. (being so rude boy)
" Oi, Who the fuck you i am, eh?"..."Oi, are you listening?"...(arggghh, fucking, kratsgohospatosh-faggots club-arse cunt...Fuck off oi...If you are the devil, Remember..Add me in Facebook...Chow Bitch..or whoever..."
And yeah..that would be me. hahaha..Its August now.
I missed our great times. Missed all those crazy stuff and our ordinary things. For a life time, i cherish every liltle bits of it.
Owhh fuck..lapar!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Acquaintance of Scott Pt5: Riotous
Its time to be more realistic (relevant perhaps)...its the "I" word effect.
Fire burning bright here in the mistical jungle. I sat near the bonfire . Just to grab that heat to warm my night. We gather here with small group of friends. Special interest friend that have a common dream. We are the future thinkers i might say. We are in a group which names are not to be reveal. Even the name of the group. Our identity are so sacred. Knowledgeable words, and making rockets of dreams for better living.
Well that would be another chapter of my dream. Having a great discusion with players of the industry, economics, scientist, financial advisors, dreamer (of cozzhh)...and few other plus some taiko of Laws. Need Lawyers too in making some changes kan.
"mike, do you realise that we are the among millions of wasted young generation of Malaysia."
"Yah...one way or another"
I was thinking about life. Not just about myself. Others too. It is still foreign to me. I myself feeling alienated isolated from the great way of living my life. My soul a likely angel missed the wonders of smile and happiness. Lost in the great obsticles journey. Nevertheless, i stand tall, head up.
My addiction to become a success person comes because of the past.I never get the things that i want. I don;t know what to do about it now. I am stuck with happiness here.
I want to impire a generation. For my remarkable journey, achievements and untold story of walking up the wall. I may be the person that put to much of dreaming in my life. Forever i will be like this. Will never stop. I will tell my children to focus on what they like. That the strongly feel near to heart. Being in the circle of beliefers could put you on high speed journey. With naturally motivates your inner spirits and will.
The only person that believe in me is my Strawberry Tart. Who stand behind me when i fall back. Wipe my tears everytime i think about my bitter regrets. I am now a man on the run. But couldn't excape from the cage. A thick tight steel cage.
What else should i do?. I keep on asking that question to myself. I asked my Almighty God, to please listen to my wishes, my dream n my future. I wish to be happy and nothing to worry about when i gets older.
well, living in this world, the best answer and the greatest words of wisdom that suites me will be...
Fire burning bright here in the mistical jungle. I sat near the bonfire . Just to grab that heat to warm my night. We gather here with small group of friends. Special interest friend that have a common dream. We are the future thinkers i might say. We are in a group which names are not to be reveal. Even the name of the group. Our identity are so sacred. Knowledgeable words, and making rockets of dreams for better living.
Well that would be another chapter of my dream. Having a great discusion with players of the industry, economics, scientist, financial advisors, dreamer (of cozzhh)...and few other plus some taiko of Laws. Need Lawyers too in making some changes kan.
"mike, do you realise that we are the among millions of wasted young generation of Malaysia."
"Yah...one way or another"
I was thinking about life. Not just about myself. Others too. It is still foreign to me. I myself feeling alienated isolated from the great way of living my life. My soul a likely angel missed the wonders of smile and happiness. Lost in the great obsticles journey. Nevertheless, i stand tall, head up.
My addiction to become a success person comes because of the past.I never get the things that i want. I don;t know what to do about it now. I am stuck with happiness here.
I want to impire a generation. For my remarkable journey, achievements and untold story of walking up the wall. I may be the person that put to much of dreaming in my life. Forever i will be like this. Will never stop. I will tell my children to focus on what they like. That the strongly feel near to heart. Being in the circle of beliefers could put you on high speed journey. With naturally motivates your inner spirits and will.
The only person that believe in me is my Strawberry Tart. Who stand behind me when i fall back. Wipe my tears everytime i think about my bitter regrets. I am now a man on the run. But couldn't excape from the cage. A thick tight steel cage.
What else should i do?. I keep on asking that question to myself. I asked my Almighty God, to please listen to my wishes, my dream n my future. I wish to be happy and nothing to worry about when i gets older.
well, living in this world, the best answer and the greatest words of wisdom that suites me will be...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Acquaintance of Scott Pt4: Prophesy
Leaf falling off from the roof. The great wind blows fiercely. The flower pots near his balcony felt down. Scott watched through the glass window. Sat down wondering and imagine himself playing in the rain. He is now 15 years old. Wished that he could be 5 years with just a blink of an eyes.
Push played his CD player. It was a Sony ... an old Sony CD player. Tupac rapping about his Life in Brooklyn. Tupac does not live among youngsters in Kuala Lumpur that time. It was all about Limp Bizkit, Korn and Creed. While only a few knows about Nauthy by Nature, Biggies, Tupac, Wu-Tang Clan and great Method Man.
Being around with friends who felt in love with the new era of alternative rock, Scott calming mixing around with them. Nothing put him and other away. Looks similar and not much of difference. Maybe to other, they way the dressed up, how people like to writes on the wall, doors of the toilets and starcase. But not Scott. He loved to read about what people writes.
"Si Polan cinta Si Ahemm since 1998"....
"Punk Not Dead...by Ayod"
and... "Kote ku Ibarat KL Tower..Call Lan - 010-BULLSHIT"
Why do people like to express through this method. Do it make them feel a liltle relieve or just wanted to be part of society. A society of whatever it be.
"Scott, ambik duit ni..beli gula 1kg and tepung gandung".
"Roger that".
He quickly change, put on his black hooded sweat jacket, jeans and flips. Walking to the shop usually take him 4 minutes. But this time around, he used different routes, a liltle bit further. Having his own time looking around, browsing his view a girls walking around the mall nearby.
He stand tall at the staircase infront of the shop. Taking his puff of Malboro Light. At sudden, a guy wearing grey shirt, with brown pant and shoes greet him.
"Adik jangan fikir banyak-banyak nanti tak senang hidup"
" Eh cik, saya fikir pasal masa depan...untuk senang hidup saya nanti"
"Takpe, semuanya dah di catat, ikut je. Pasti hidup senang seperti di fikirkan"
" Macam mana cik tahu pasal masa depan saya. Saya mintak Tuhan tunjukan pun saya tak nampak lagi"
" Adik, semua dah ada depan kita, kesempatan ada, kita dizinkan. Dengan raut wajah dan bentuk hati yang ada dalam diri adik, pasti berjaya"
" Saya amin kan kata pak cik. Saya doakan pak cik tenang seadanya"
At home, he rest his body. Tired of walking and looking around that evening. Scott wonders why that man talks to him that way. And he was not the first. It was Puan. Rohaya, a teacher at his school.
Or maybe it just a motivational words of people who like to talk about it. Showing of his capablities in taking charge of others state of mind. He wishes all of this are true. All scott can do is just wait. It may take years.
Scott is clever. A brilient master. A creative works of mind and he got this elocution every time he talks about something. Part of his brain consist some impure thought. In which help him much in solving matters that worries him. But it does not work when having a maths calculation questions.
He behave like inebriated mind when comes to imaginations. He once said that, out of all most paid jobs, if he could be one, and that will be Director of Dreams. Just like George Lucas..He got this thinggy space war in mind...who turn to somebody that trust him...Kapishh , he is a millionaire now.
It a fullmoon. He grabs his pillow and blanket and walk to his balcony. There he rest his mind looking up the night sky. Looking at the stars. Talking to them. Imagine UFO flying accross the dark night. Wishing that some sort of creature will appear and said "Boy, i like you and you have 10 wishes"....
In front of his house, there is this untouch 'forrest'. Well not that huge piece of land. But it was a thick bulky trees. Last week, a unit of the animal protection capture a young kitty Puma..Silky black and about 2.5 feet tall. Huge cat. No wonder his heart beats slowly whenever he goes near that place. Not wearing any talisman or whats not. But its just his heart beats.
Scott can feel whats coming. Gifted with pure and impure mind. But yet again, he is only a human after all. just like everyone, having their accounters with the devils. Sin and heaven coming side by side the body.
Push played his CD player. It was a Sony ... an old Sony CD player. Tupac rapping about his Life in Brooklyn. Tupac does not live among youngsters in Kuala Lumpur that time. It was all about Limp Bizkit, Korn and Creed. While only a few knows about Nauthy by Nature, Biggies, Tupac, Wu-Tang Clan and great Method Man.
Being around with friends who felt in love with the new era of alternative rock, Scott calming mixing around with them. Nothing put him and other away. Looks similar and not much of difference. Maybe to other, they way the dressed up, how people like to writes on the wall, doors of the toilets and starcase. But not Scott. He loved to read about what people writes.
"Si Polan cinta Si Ahemm since 1998"....
"Punk Not Dead...by Ayod"
and... "Kote ku Ibarat KL Tower..Call Lan - 010-BULLSHIT"
Why do people like to express through this method. Do it make them feel a liltle relieve or just wanted to be part of society. A society of whatever it be.
"Scott, ambik duit ni..beli gula 1kg and tepung gandung".
"Roger that".
He quickly change, put on his black hooded sweat jacket, jeans and flips. Walking to the shop usually take him 4 minutes. But this time around, he used different routes, a liltle bit further. Having his own time looking around, browsing his view a girls walking around the mall nearby.
He stand tall at the staircase infront of the shop. Taking his puff of Malboro Light. At sudden, a guy wearing grey shirt, with brown pant and shoes greet him.
"Adik jangan fikir banyak-banyak nanti tak senang hidup"
" Eh cik, saya fikir pasal masa depan...untuk senang hidup saya nanti"
"Takpe, semuanya dah di catat, ikut je. Pasti hidup senang seperti di fikirkan"
" Macam mana cik tahu pasal masa depan saya. Saya mintak Tuhan tunjukan pun saya tak nampak lagi"
" Adik, semua dah ada depan kita, kesempatan ada, kita dizinkan. Dengan raut wajah dan bentuk hati yang ada dalam diri adik, pasti berjaya"
" Saya amin kan kata pak cik. Saya doakan pak cik tenang seadanya"
At home, he rest his body. Tired of walking and looking around that evening. Scott wonders why that man talks to him that way. And he was not the first. It was Puan. Rohaya, a teacher at his school.
Or maybe it just a motivational words of people who like to talk about it. Showing of his capablities in taking charge of others state of mind. He wishes all of this are true. All scott can do is just wait. It may take years.
Scott is clever. A brilient master. A creative works of mind and he got this elocution every time he talks about something. Part of his brain consist some impure thought. In which help him much in solving matters that worries him. But it does not work when having a maths calculation questions.
He behave like inebriated mind when comes to imaginations. He once said that, out of all most paid jobs, if he could be one, and that will be Director of Dreams. Just like George Lucas..He got this thinggy space war in mind...who turn to somebody that trust him...Kapishh , he is a millionaire now.
It a fullmoon. He grabs his pillow and blanket and walk to his balcony. There he rest his mind looking up the night sky. Looking at the stars. Talking to them. Imagine UFO flying accross the dark night. Wishing that some sort of creature will appear and said "Boy, i like you and you have 10 wishes"....
In front of his house, there is this untouch 'forrest'. Well not that huge piece of land. But it was a thick bulky trees. Last week, a unit of the animal protection capture a young kitty Puma..Silky black and about 2.5 feet tall. Huge cat. No wonder his heart beats slowly whenever he goes near that place. Not wearing any talisman or whats not. But its just his heart beats.
Scott can feel whats coming. Gifted with pure and impure mind. But yet again, he is only a human after all. just like everyone, having their accounters with the devils. Sin and heaven coming side by side the body.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Acquaintance of Scott Pt3: Friends and Hunters
Scott sees his friends as brothers and sisters. Design to fit into his interest and well adjust to family like relationship. Its just great and good times.
She believe in everything and so do Scott. But Scott put much of his believe to his chain of friends.In which later cut his heart for friends that betray his trust and frienship. He is now steeping into new route. To destination that can be a feeling of calm and security.
Breathing peacefully and head up. He walks with people that allows him dream and imagine to a world that far beyond ordinary state of mind. Like he always did when he was at young.
Scott and others like Nick, Zamir, Apis and Stanley have a hell of great time. Boys with Bikes those days. They can be claim as the Road Heroes of Kuching. Spent most of their time cycling and mountain biking around town. Scott used to ride to his school, go to his late Grandpa's house and lazy rides every evening.
On mid year of 1999. The black, sad day. Bitterly awful for him to remember.
"Sam, i got to win man.My only chance to earn that title."
"Dude, i bet you will. The whole team are looking forward for your victory and our pride"
" Yupe!. Its going to be my Third Title. Spread the word dude"
" Haha, go get it Scott!"
Its a 2KM uphill and 5 KM downhill challenge. Tough and rough. Dirt and ugly. The final course to determine the King of Down Hill..King of Santubong. The most exclusive title for young bikers like Scott. His confident are higher that the great mount. The uphill journey took him the third placing for time score. He need to be faster than that. Up on the second peak, his ego and bravery called for one-on-one challenge. Who Albert of Irish challenged Emanuel Gambit from Sarawak that later end his life 800m before the finish line.
He Smile when Shaharul, who is also his team mate took the deal. Both race fiecely dowhill. It was a simple route. Lots of straight cut and simple turning. He was like few seconds away from Shaharul. Sweats drops like rain falls. He can hear friends shouting his name. Some of them are behing the course line.
Scott take some time to wave at them. on a 15 meters aways to the last straight and then 6 rough turns on 35 digs downhill, he took a deep breath and ride as fast and he can. Approaching the first turn, he smoothly turn left down 5m right and that third turn of 10m changed his dream to nightmare.
"Yes,that turn ..yes"..
"Owh bloody shit"
Kapish..kedebook..and end
Scott felt down the clift. 20m away from the course and about 50meter depth. Medium thick jungle.
" Scott.. Scott...wake up..."
" Bro wake up..we are here"
" W4T4F4K....what where am i?"
"Lucky you are still on earth my friend. Sorry we are late"
"Blood or scar"
" Sir, broken knee and some bruise"
" What...arghhh..damn..arghh"
"shit...shut up.."
She believe in everything and so do Scott. But Scott put much of his believe to his chain of friends.In which later cut his heart for friends that betray his trust and frienship. He is now steeping into new route. To destination that can be a feeling of calm and security.
Breathing peacefully and head up. He walks with people that allows him dream and imagine to a world that far beyond ordinary state of mind. Like he always did when he was at young.
Scott and others like Nick, Zamir, Apis and Stanley have a hell of great time. Boys with Bikes those days. They can be claim as the Road Heroes of Kuching. Spent most of their time cycling and mountain biking around town. Scott used to ride to his school, go to his late Grandpa's house and lazy rides every evening.
On mid year of 1999. The black, sad day. Bitterly awful for him to remember.
"Sam, i got to win man.My only chance to earn that title."
"Dude, i bet you will. The whole team are looking forward for your victory and our pride"
" Yupe!. Its going to be my Third Title. Spread the word dude"
" Haha, go get it Scott!"
Its a 2KM uphill and 5 KM downhill challenge. Tough and rough. Dirt and ugly. The final course to determine the King of Down Hill..King of Santubong. The most exclusive title for young bikers like Scott. His confident are higher that the great mount. The uphill journey took him the third placing for time score. He need to be faster than that. Up on the second peak, his ego and bravery called for one-on-one challenge. Who Albert of Irish challenged Emanuel Gambit from Sarawak that later end his life 800m before the finish line.
He Smile when Shaharul, who is also his team mate took the deal. Both race fiecely dowhill. It was a simple route. Lots of straight cut and simple turning. He was like few seconds away from Shaharul. Sweats drops like rain falls. He can hear friends shouting his name. Some of them are behing the course line.
Scott take some time to wave at them. on a 15 meters aways to the last straight and then 6 rough turns on 35 digs downhill, he took a deep breath and ride as fast and he can. Approaching the first turn, he smoothly turn left down 5m right and that third turn of 10m changed his dream to nightmare.
"Yes,that turn ..yes"..
"Owh bloody shit"
Kapish..kedebook..and end
Scott felt down the clift. 20m away from the course and about 50meter depth. Medium thick jungle.
" Scott.. Scott...wake up..."
" Bro wake up..we are here"
" W4T4F4K....what where am i?"
"Lucky you are still on earth my friend. Sorry we are late"
"Blood or scar"
" Sir, broken knee and some bruise"
" What...arghhh..damn..arghh"
"shit...shut up.."
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Acquaintance of Scott Pt2: Body Language
She is not a mystery to him. Not a strange mother's nature acts. The world seems to be cruel these days. And human among themself are crawling from the misery that come from the devil inside each heart.
She walks among the average. Her words gets mixed once awhile. It seems to be the colours of life among friends with her silly jokes and making up new words. Not well recorded but well preserve in the memoribia. She was the apple. An apple so rare that no scietific discovery had ever encounter with.
"Damn, its feels good to feel free. I got it all figured out. Nothing to worry about. Damn, its good to be me."
We are quite far from each other. We could only see and speak once awhile. The dinner place are bit to crowded. The plac are to big to to decide where to have our sweet date under the jungle of fruits.
The northern parts are very much away from the sound and air pollution. Foods are very cheap. I could say that it is the cheapest in Malaysia. The hectic city noise and troublesome are not here in Perlis. Perhaps!.
But what is so interesting abouth this smallest country in Malaysia is that you can get bored easily. Seriously. If you cant find the right friends and the right place to hang out, you'll find hell is besides you. Well unless u are so angel and good enough...heaven my be on top of you.
She seems to be well adjust with the the village enviroment. The ballad of wind, birds and the waving leaf is the nicest melody. Scott have long life in the same kind when he was in his home town. Holding on, he have the illusion of hip happening city of Kuala Lumpur that he missed so much.
Scott have never tried to get close to her. Being alone in his world of fantasy. Stuck in the time of dreams, he visualize the greatness of love that he wish it can be the most wonderful thing ever happen.
"What can i be. Should i be Bold, Suave, Sexy and Tall for to fall in love with me"...
" or i should be mystery, unknown and mystical for her to noticed me."
"Its a mystery, Maybe i don't really want to know how i should act."
Maybe Scott will never be. Maybe scott will have to be walking alone in the search of what is true love means.
The awesome movie, Crazy/Beautiful motivates him. The storyline are so close with his life. Its like acarbon copy of his reality that was put up in a hollywood movie.
Well, later that he knew, that his life is like the breaking news of the people around him. Its seems that most people are putting their ears and eyes towards him. A big question why...perhaps the envy of the typical male and female that loves to know. Its crazy. Not a joyest thing happening but yeah, atleast he is in the centre stage of people.
She seems not have any interest. Maybe yes..or maybe not. He just can't feel it. But lucky day.On that tiny liltle time, given by chance and taking his luck. Small kissed on the forehead does a great happiness. He felt the sunshines and rain at the same time.
That simple body language keeps him happy. That moment of glory and that first step of evrthing that may happen in line.
She walks among the average. Her words gets mixed once awhile. It seems to be the colours of life among friends with her silly jokes and making up new words. Not well recorded but well preserve in the memoribia. She was the apple. An apple so rare that no scietific discovery had ever encounter with.
"Damn, its feels good to feel free. I got it all figured out. Nothing to worry about. Damn, its good to be me."
We are quite far from each other. We could only see and speak once awhile. The dinner place are bit to crowded. The plac are to big to to decide where to have our sweet date under the jungle of fruits.
The northern parts are very much away from the sound and air pollution. Foods are very cheap. I could say that it is the cheapest in Malaysia. The hectic city noise and troublesome are not here in Perlis. Perhaps!.
But what is so interesting abouth this smallest country in Malaysia is that you can get bored easily. Seriously. If you cant find the right friends and the right place to hang out, you'll find hell is besides you. Well unless u are so angel and good enough...heaven my be on top of you.
She seems to be well adjust with the the village enviroment. The ballad of wind, birds and the waving leaf is the nicest melody. Scott have long life in the same kind when he was in his home town. Holding on, he have the illusion of hip happening city of Kuala Lumpur that he missed so much.
Scott have never tried to get close to her. Being alone in his world of fantasy. Stuck in the time of dreams, he visualize the greatness of love that he wish it can be the most wonderful thing ever happen.
"What can i be. Should i be Bold, Suave, Sexy and Tall for to fall in love with me"...
" or i should be mystery, unknown and mystical for her to noticed me."
"Its a mystery, Maybe i don't really want to know how i should act."
Maybe Scott will never be. Maybe scott will have to be walking alone in the search of what is true love means.
The awesome movie, Crazy/Beautiful motivates him. The storyline are so close with his life. Its like acarbon copy of his reality that was put up in a hollywood movie.
Well, later that he knew, that his life is like the breaking news of the people around him. Its seems that most people are putting their ears and eyes towards him. A big question why...perhaps the envy of the typical male and female that loves to know. Its crazy. Not a joyest thing happening but yeah, atleast he is in the centre stage of people.
She seems not have any interest. Maybe yes..or maybe not. He just can't feel it. But lucky day.On that tiny liltle time, given by chance and taking his luck. Small kissed on the forehead does a great happiness. He felt the sunshines and rain at the same time.
That simple body language keeps him happy. That moment of glory and that first step of evrthing that may happen in line.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Acquaintance of Scott Pt 1: Making Legends
He jumped off the gated garden and fall on the ground. A dark tall guy standing infront. He barely see who is that guy. That bright sun shines behind the unknown make his eyebrows looks like a line of hair across his forehead.
"Boy, i suggest you run as fast as you can"
"Okay sir, i run and never look back"
"hahaha..really...my dogs are very hungry this evening and missed the taste human legs"
He run and pointing both of his hand making the sign 'Fuck' to that guy. Soon as he running to catch his breath, a black Japan made car stopped and shout; " What are you up to now?..Get in the car".
In that car, he listen to his mother nagging and scolding. He listen on par his imagination of a military car chasing red dragon, a fat red dragon running tiredly.
"Scott, are you listening?"
Scott, born just like other boys in this world. He form a such emotional symptoms during ever encountare of any situation. His natural charm is his idea, his likability comes from the great imagination. The adaptation is best suit to fit the title; God of Wildthings. But nobody take that serious advantage. Not even in the blood link. He once write a story about a bitter day, noted that;
"I don't know why. I lose myself around my family. I feel like wallpaper".
Like in the movies; the good guys get the girls. I reality, the bad guys get the good girls. Sadden by a story of a girl he knew. Story that marely the same as what he'd done. And so he whisper to his heart; "is there any sweetest love story in this world..and bizarre"
A person named Jim, born in London who makes postcard for living. He is unhappy and lonely and unaware of that feeling. Jim's life change forever when he received a postcard from an unknown lady; Sheenia. Since then both keep exchanging postcard and illustrations. Both tell stories from what they crafted on the postcard.
Jim comes to realize that he is in love with Sheenia. His uncertainty as Sheenia true nature and her presence in his life has brought their relation to another level. Soulmates. Far among each other, they both draw pictures of their faces. make promises and busy selling their arts near the streets.
For year and countless day, both decided to meet in Hawaii and till then they become pure lovers till both rest peacefully on a dark fierce eath quake. (not that sweet story)
We all do hate the fact that the world will change, people come and go, times wont wait and worse death will come. In Scott, all he cares is his life. At the age of 10, he visualize the happiness, at age 18, he knows what to do and 25 null. Lost in between the lust and ultimate interest to find his way towards the good life.
Scott seems to be married with bad luck. Cheated by the images in the television. The Sweet romance drama and wonderous victory. We are in a game. be what ever god you are, you are not alone o be blame.
Lost British in Ulu Kelang Pt12: The Plot Summary....yeah.i guess so!!
It is not a new question to be asked. Just for those that have your brain working thinking why he would named this series of blog post ' The Lost British in Ulu Kelang'. Well, it is not really a rocket science to know why.
There are more like me in this world. Well most of them ended becoming writters, novelist and maybe poets. Some are famous director. I try not to name anyone. But later that we all knew, it all comes under one matter of thing; IMAGINATION.
Lost Brtish in Ulu Kelang is my adaptation of life in a view of my protagonist act in life. And as you all knew, for the past posting blogs, the characters are those who have been around in my life. Be it good or bad. Again, no name mentioned. These names will so or later reveal through similiration with other words. For Example Strawberry Tart; a term in the roughty, Boot boys yard somewhere in England. Describe as a sweetest term of all among others in the gang. Strawberry Tart is also define as the Heart of a person. So i guess you are wise enough to determine who that strawberry tart refers to!
My protagonist travels from the good old days to the place of unknown possibilities. I form allianced with new friends and reunite with the old hunters. Well, both me and you have the same perception; friends and who are there. We may become very selective and vigilant while talking with them, hanging out, spend the night hours and wall to wall at facebook.
This blog is will much likely becoming an Epistolary novel..well sort of i guess.
Allow me to revive or upgrade the story. Its is a realism, mimics the life of Azreel Scott Morrissey.
There are more like me in this world. Well most of them ended becoming writters, novelist and maybe poets. Some are famous director. I try not to name anyone. But later that we all knew, it all comes under one matter of thing; IMAGINATION.
Lost Brtish in Ulu Kelang is my adaptation of life in a view of my protagonist act in life. And as you all knew, for the past posting blogs, the characters are those who have been around in my life. Be it good or bad. Again, no name mentioned. These names will so or later reveal through similiration with other words. For Example Strawberry Tart; a term in the roughty, Boot boys yard somewhere in England. Describe as a sweetest term of all among others in the gang. Strawberry Tart is also define as the Heart of a person. So i guess you are wise enough to determine who that strawberry tart refers to!
My protagonist travels from the good old days to the place of unknown possibilities. I form allianced with new friends and reunite with the old hunters. Well, both me and you have the same perception; friends and who are there. We may become very selective and vigilant while talking with them, hanging out, spend the night hours and wall to wall at facebook.
This blog is will much likely becoming an Epistolary novel..well sort of i guess.
Allow me to revive or upgrade the story. Its is a realism, mimics the life of Azreel Scott Morrissey.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Lost British in Ulu Kelang Pt11: Here we are..
Its kinda weird what did happen recently. But nevertheless it was a great time though that nothing sets in my state of mind. In the corner of my brain, there is this block of words called 'CRAP'. Followed by my tongue with this unique taste portion describe as 'WASTED'.
______________that is the CHEAP-NO-SHIT of the story______________
Like paradise, we love to imagine the most wonderful of world could be. How you wish things are on your side. Smooth; happy life. With my extraodinary capability to fantasize, imagine and visualized; "oh goshhh, you will be ensure with the so called "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING, FREAK!".
"Bro, kahwin bile"
"huhuhu, i dunno ..why"
"Just asking...OMG, u r gay"
" Fuck you cunt..aku gay, lama dah aku jadi hero citer gay hollywood..hahaha"
"hahaha...you seems to look more like hero of the rude boys"
"ya man...i wish i am"
I betrayed my own beliefs. My pride and my only savior for better life's aura. I should have cut my skin. Sorry duke and tracy, there are things in common value which i respect. Now i am feeling a bit rusty, thankful that my feets are still on the ground. Aware of the changes. The truth hurts, but as things becoming more clear, i wish for not just standing near, be the ears that listen and the mouth that speaks.
Skid thus End.
So, here we are, left along side the true and pure brothers and sisters. The hood that walk like a troop and strike like a brave warrior. (well we ae pretty much like monkeys...seriously funny monkey)..hahaha..This would be my first trip with fellow hunters. Well not that far..would be around 48.7klicks from my house.
On my part, i might be preparing some foods to bring along..and drinks (good drinks)..hahaha..will be capturing some great times with the rest. Cant wait for this heavenly times.
But it all comes when there is no othe rplan from my family...kalau ada...mati lo.. (owhh i speak malay)..
Owhh yes, friday..this coming friday....browse shopping day!!
______________that is the CHEAP-NO-SHIT of the story______________
Like paradise, we love to imagine the most wonderful of world could be. How you wish things are on your side. Smooth; happy life. With my extraodinary capability to fantasize, imagine and visualized; "oh goshhh, you will be ensure with the so called "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING, FREAK!".
"Bro, kahwin bile"
"huhuhu, i dunno ..why"
"Just asking...OMG, u r gay"
" Fuck you cunt..aku gay, lama dah aku jadi hero citer gay hollywood..hahaha"
"hahaha...you seems to look more like hero of the rude boys"
"ya man...i wish i am"
I betrayed my own beliefs. My pride and my only savior for better life's aura. I should have cut my skin. Sorry duke and tracy, there are things in common value which i respect. Now i am feeling a bit rusty, thankful that my feets are still on the ground. Aware of the changes. The truth hurts, but as things becoming more clear, i wish for not just standing near, be the ears that listen and the mouth that speaks.
Skid thus End.
So, here we are, left along side the true and pure brothers and sisters. The hood that walk like a troop and strike like a brave warrior. (well we ae pretty much like monkeys...seriously funny monkey)..hahaha..This would be my first trip with fellow hunters. Well not that far..would be around 48.7klicks from my house.
On my part, i might be preparing some foods to bring along..and drinks (good drinks)..hahaha..will be capturing some great times with the rest. Cant wait for this heavenly times.
But it all comes when there is no othe rplan from my family...kalau ada...mati lo.. (owhh i speak malay)..
Owhh yes, friday..this coming friday....browse shopping day!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lost British in Ulu Kelang: Sharing The Load
Writing this chapter requires me to be really really me. Mercy comes along my bitterly regret. Love is still with me while thinking of the words to explain what is runing in my mind lately. Having said that, my mind, body and soul having their own party. Party of rebel and hatred.
Dear F Word,
I am now in a fullboard attention of this organization. Part of my body in and both feet are out. Not even a tiny step are made to be actually step-in and appreciate the true value. As all my friends knew and aknowledgel; i am the man with milions dreams. Inspired through my hard times, painful moments and sweetest victory for 25 years.
My childhood was awesome. No words can eventually describe what i had experience. Life is such a fun when we were young. Tears rewarded with gifts and pleasure. Toys and machines are the instrument to make the melody of tears become a smile. As my age become more, i learned that it is more that fun.
Its a battle to be able to undertake the burden of being a boy. Education is the huge part of my pie. Others are Sports, fun, crazy and freaky. During that teenage era, i was the mutant, nobel one. I admit that i have no interest in education. But things change when we moved to Kuala Lumpur. I noticed that F word did major effords to help me get into a good institution. So i change me objective of my life.
I do what is good. What F word wants me to be in flying colours. I do it really good. But one thing in life, within myself; i don't like people to ask me questions about what happen today, what's is your result, how was your friends; are they good. and blah blah blah....
It resulted to a masive amount of confusion and stress. Thus, it effected to my final exam of my school's exams. Nevertheless, once get into the higher leaning institution, i can be my own. I do what is good for me and my future. It was proven and acctually graduate with points that i personally can be proud of.
Reason for me to be a successful person, top gun in the industry and the canon that blows people's mind is because I WANT TO CHANGE MY FUTURE. I noticed that i can not be the man be working without anybody appreciate and noted on my ability to take any resposiblities. I went through a very hard times. i don't want the same thing happen to myfamily and my own in years to come.
Shits come and go. But will never stop to make some ache in me.
I listen to your advise. I take your words. I do whats good. I make you proud of nothing comes from me. I measure the importance of money and stats of my future. To be able to live in my dreams. The dreams that i imagines since i was in the early 20s...Yupe.
But nothing comes near. I can't event smell and heard the miracle coming. As the wise man said; There are Two Ways to Live your Life. One is Though Nothing is a Miracle. Other is Though Everything is Miracle.
And, yeah...whateverLAH. leave it to the hands of God Almighty. I can't ask anymore.
I hope one day...that one day to change my life back to something i can be proud of. Something to show, to tell a story and to cherish with my kids later.
I want my name to be known for the goodwill and campaign.
Dear F Word,
I am now in a fullboard attention of this organization. Part of my body in and both feet are out. Not even a tiny step are made to be actually step-in and appreciate the true value. As all my friends knew and aknowledgel; i am the man with milions dreams. Inspired through my hard times, painful moments and sweetest victory for 25 years.
My childhood was awesome. No words can eventually describe what i had experience. Life is such a fun when we were young. Tears rewarded with gifts and pleasure. Toys and machines are the instrument to make the melody of tears become a smile. As my age become more, i learned that it is more that fun.
Its a battle to be able to undertake the burden of being a boy. Education is the huge part of my pie. Others are Sports, fun, crazy and freaky. During that teenage era, i was the mutant, nobel one. I admit that i have no interest in education. But things change when we moved to Kuala Lumpur. I noticed that F word did major effords to help me get into a good institution. So i change me objective of my life.
I do what is good. What F word wants me to be in flying colours. I do it really good. But one thing in life, within myself; i don't like people to ask me questions about what happen today, what's is your result, how was your friends; are they good. and blah blah blah....
It resulted to a masive amount of confusion and stress. Thus, it effected to my final exam of my school's exams. Nevertheless, once get into the higher leaning institution, i can be my own. I do what is good for me and my future. It was proven and acctually graduate with points that i personally can be proud of.
Reason for me to be a successful person, top gun in the industry and the canon that blows people's mind is because I WANT TO CHANGE MY FUTURE. I noticed that i can not be the man be working without anybody appreciate and noted on my ability to take any resposiblities. I went through a very hard times. i don't want the same thing happen to myfamily and my own in years to come.
Shits come and go. But will never stop to make some ache in me.
I listen to your advise. I take your words. I do whats good. I make you proud of nothing comes from me. I measure the importance of money and stats of my future. To be able to live in my dreams. The dreams that i imagines since i was in the early 20s...Yupe.
But nothing comes near. I can't event smell and heard the miracle coming. As the wise man said; There are Two Ways to Live your Life. One is Though Nothing is a Miracle. Other is Though Everything is Miracle.
And, yeah...whateverLAH. leave it to the hands of God Almighty. I can't ask anymore.
I hope one day...that one day to change my life back to something i can be proud of. Something to show, to tell a story and to cherish with my kids later.
I want my name to be known for the goodwill and campaign.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Lost British In Ulu Kelang Pt10: A friend in need is hemoglob running under my skin
we are truly amazed on the magical touch that love could ever done to human. Such a human thing to indeed through loving one another. Putting the stats and prof aside, it become more meaningful with such similarity between these love hearts.
two stories become a story for the year. Actors and Actress are my friends and some or brother and sister to me. But Things have change alot among them and myself as i felt what my friends experienced.
Things are far beyond our control..even taking that tiny steps.It is god's will to grant the move. And it apply to every single thing is life. What matter is we cheers with our life, responsible and learn to appreciate the true objective of the intention, be bad or good.
Indeed life itself is very super 'Busy Body'. Again, god wants it that way. We cruise along !
To my dearest brother. A soldier on my right arm and a freak as mine on the left arm. Be strong, listening to your heart and mind. I was in your situation. I decide..i made my choice. I ignore the intolerance and accept the cheerisable moments. Life is always unfair to all of us. But we balance it within our our world. Who care, in the end of the day, you eat what you earn, you shit what you have taken.
It take two to be as dumb as the donkey. One may not be able to appreciate and one is so blunt mind.
Slowly brother. me and my STrawberry tart wishes you the best,. the greatest times. You earn the pride. Life with in. be proud!
Salam Satu Malaysia.
(Saya suke coklat Sneakers....Iklan ini dibawa khas oleh Sir Elton John)
two stories become a story for the year. Actors and Actress are my friends and some or brother and sister to me. But Things have change alot among them and myself as i felt what my friends experienced.
Things are far beyond our control..even taking that tiny steps.It is god's will to grant the move. And it apply to every single thing is life. What matter is we cheers with our life, responsible and learn to appreciate the true objective of the intention, be bad or good.
Indeed life itself is very super 'Busy Body'. Again, god wants it that way. We cruise along !
To my dearest brother. A soldier on my right arm and a freak as mine on the left arm. Be strong, listening to your heart and mind. I was in your situation. I decide..i made my choice. I ignore the intolerance and accept the cheerisable moments. Life is always unfair to all of us. But we balance it within our our world. Who care, in the end of the day, you eat what you earn, you shit what you have taken.
It take two to be as dumb as the donkey. One may not be able to appreciate and one is so blunt mind.
Slowly brother. me and my STrawberry tart wishes you the best,. the greatest times. You earn the pride. Life with in. be proud!
Salam Satu Malaysia.
(Saya suke coklat Sneakers....Iklan ini dibawa khas oleh Sir Elton John)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lost British in Ulu Kelang Pt 9: Make you feel my love..a loving pavement series (kot)
Day starts with a breathtaking view of wonderful purple morning skies. But the captivating images couldn't hold that long enough; the phone rings and its a call to act like a slave again. Pity be with my soul and wish it could be better not worse.
Its been to0 long now. Too far and tired of having this lucid dreaming revolve around the state of mind that may explode due to unbareable stress. Life is far better with my strawberry tart. Perfect mix of all the goddes ingredients. Full of goodwill benefits and health advantages. Steady bodyline, shape and curves. The peach butt and comfy cracks will always make inocent and brave timber to rise to endure the battle of saticfastion.
The good times comes from every subject matter. Be it about politics to how language were form. It can be very interesting. Both minds are build to think;sexy may say. Mind and brain. Another reason why, the main reason for this journey to be an experience a cherishable for the years that come. Holding all the memories and not letting go any of it. Leaving the past sour and bitter together with the breaking sun. And now i am with a new sun. Found in the great frontier of unexpected,unplanned and undescribeable. The sun that turns into a sweet moon light. Glitters the life with shimmering stars. The milky way is the juice, a placebo that induce some sort of enegy to keep on believing and to stay alive withing this new frontier. Boosting a supply of millions life waiting to be inside another life.
People getting married. Soon most of them are on their way to be the king and queen for a day. And they asked us, when? The answer is left alone. But Deep inside a freak is surely into his strawberry tart. Imagine on how should the menu, the settinga and ambient should be. Theme of the day need to be something never been though before. Definetely, money is the subject that make all dreams become suicidal. But nevertheless, such a simple set-up should be fine.
A new begining have far began. Feeling much appreciated and living with more smiles. Envy of others have more interesting places to visit..papers to spends and card to just swipes. Who cares, the only thing matters to me is time for both cuddle and hangging around.
Its been to0 long now. Too far and tired of having this lucid dreaming revolve around the state of mind that may explode due to unbareable stress. Life is far better with my strawberry tart. Perfect mix of all the goddes ingredients. Full of goodwill benefits and health advantages. Steady bodyline, shape and curves. The peach butt and comfy cracks will always make inocent and brave timber to rise to endure the battle of saticfastion.
The good times comes from every subject matter. Be it about politics to how language were form. It can be very interesting. Both minds are build to think;sexy may say. Mind and brain. Another reason why, the main reason for this journey to be an experience a cherishable for the years that come. Holding all the memories and not letting go any of it. Leaving the past sour and bitter together with the breaking sun. And now i am with a new sun. Found in the great frontier of unexpected,unplanned and undescribeable. The sun that turns into a sweet moon light. Glitters the life with shimmering stars. The milky way is the juice, a placebo that induce some sort of enegy to keep on believing and to stay alive withing this new frontier. Boosting a supply of millions life waiting to be inside another life.
People getting married. Soon most of them are on their way to be the king and queen for a day. And they asked us, when? The answer is left alone. But Deep inside a freak is surely into his strawberry tart. Imagine on how should the menu, the settinga and ambient should be. Theme of the day need to be something never been though before. Definetely, money is the subject that make all dreams become suicidal. But nevertheless, such a simple set-up should be fine.
A new begining have far began. Feeling much appreciated and living with more smiles. Envy of others have more interesting places to visit..papers to spends and card to just swipes. Who cares, the only thing matters to me is time for both cuddle and hangging around.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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