Mase dua malam lepas, tengah melayan lagu jiwang jiwang nie..timbul la rasa nak pilih lagu apa untuk wedding night ..lagu tema love birds la konon. Hahaha.Pastu melaratla kan. Knowing myself, daya imaginasi yang tinggi and then berfantasy la pulak. Sekarang nie rancangan hidup amat keliru sekali. Tapi aku kena maintain..Segala apa pun, rasa semangat kena ada.
Kinda sad looking at my own personal life right now. Well, what else to do. Hopes falling and happiness yet to be found. It sounds like the thing is there, but nothing comes to clear things out. All i can do, as usual, hope and keep on hoping.
As like what my friends said, "kenapa korang main tarik tali"...well, its about ego i guess. But there is a clear point from that person that happened to me right now. Myself becoming immune to love. To trust the new nor the past. Both brings pain and heart break.
A fierce storm in my life on this matter. I believe that, time will tells. I dunno where and when. Everything doing well with friends and family cats and my brothers. I'm breathing smoothly and currently feeling lonely. I'm hanging on every words you are saying. So its alright with me.
I tanak serabutkan, rosak, hina or musnah what u ada. I can feel ur sadness and pain. So, forgive me when at times i have to avoid it. You know why la kan. There's no hope anymore, but i will keep on believing my dream untill the day i hear the most painful words and day. Thank you very much for listening.

speaking without a sound
azreel feiza
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