2010 nearly come to the end now. Minus days and hours its a new year coming in. Well, fortunately and vice versa, its a wondeful year thou it bring lots of misery and psychopathic moments. Above all the rumble trouble and sometimes unable to stop the circumstances, i pause and smile for a short while. Having a deph thinking of the pleasure being so in that situation at that part of time.
Again, i am not a great writer. Should i explain. rather not, coz it will make you the reader more stupid for not noticing the false and fault of my words and language. It all about the passion. Its the interest and wanting to level up myself. One wise person who i adore once said, its not always about the mind, but the heart that counts. But i always will remember that "I will never have it all together". I need t stay calm, focus and keep on trying to level up my standard. My standard does not relate or have any common sense with my style, designers fashion or custom cars. my standard is that, becoming wealthy. Ofcoz, i need to stay healthy too.
Dreaming. Its a verb. Love is a verb too. The chemistry that is so simple between those two verb makes its so complicated to understand among ordinary person. Everything that we have right now, what we see, touch, smell and heard about started from dreams. I would like to that all of my dream become true one day. I would love to smile and be proud of it. To others its sounds normal and ordinary, but to my great self that all of my dreams are special. I have not shared my wildest and most awesome visualization of dragons and alien yet. Coz if i do so, the psychatric personnel my come to my house and adopt me to become their pet brother. (sign)
Life is always about what is coming...not what was. I seems to be lost in the meaning of that phrase myself. Too much of hurt and obsticles. Baricade my walks and joy...arghh ngantuk plus nak survey shop lots..out!!