Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Last British in Ulu Kelang: Mono
I thank the All Mighty God. For his will and trust i be still breathing. Endeavor to move along side the broken dreams. Walking not alone but the shadow of bitterly regrets. Waking up in the morning is not with a smile; cynical lips play to greet the cheerful morning yet hiding below the awful clouds of non promosing day.
I wonder who is the right person to pin-point about my broken dreams to build a simple yet lavish life. I guess there is nothing much to argue about no more. let it be ...que sera sera!
Far beyond the sight, restlessly i snooze and my imagination come alive. Stars come passing by with sparkling tails of lights. As the greatness of god most awesome creation, she appear beside my. Hugging me from behind, whispering sweent tenderly words.
Then a group of angry clouds approaching. Making a loud noise. Like a huge rows of drummers in marching band. Its coming from every angle. I tried running but i couldn't. My legs are heavy above this soft green land on top of windy place.
Its time to wake up again. Repeating the ordinary procedure. Its a system that runs into my life. Every parts of daily tast been influenced by this system. Saddness comes upon every sour moments. Nevertheless, i am thankful. My strawberry tart are with me. Killing these bad demons in me. Injecting a placebo of calm and guiding me to smile.
She heals the cut in my skin. Seduce my soul and mind. She is the angel. Hanging around me each time and never forget to dump her hearts and touch. That warm cuddly moment mesmerize me. Words to decribe comes from no where to be find.
The taste of excitement lure to the glory of satisfaction. The journey is known but everytime we hit the road; it is always something new. Her peach taste heavenly....
OMG...Citer Mr.Bean...chow ..sambung...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lost British in Ulu Klang Pt 8: Karma Nightmare
Nicely in a suave, simple yet stylish outfit. Ready to hit the road. Spending my great time with my strawberry tart. Paving our way to have a wonderful time together.
Should i be proud that i am abig dreamer boy. Living my life in my own world. Life is a lonely highway. And here we are at a open road. i Don't wanna lose you baby. I have a pocket full of plans and dream at one side...and at the otherside its empty, torn and useless.
But the i realise behind there another pockets.Pockets full of hopes and support. I should cherish these people. I can't get them out of my life. They are so precious to be left at the empty road. She needs my TLC and i need her as my LTL.
Am i a fool that there's a liltle hope to be rich. And no reason to be somebody. I often hear that, he speak to loud. Well, everyone have a story to tell. Perhaps its a great chance to know somebody.
"Sayang, where are we going"
"Can we go somewhere that we never been before"
"yeah, there this place..its not new..only that we haven't been there yet"
"i don't mind"
If i could be somebody for 1 day. I wish i can be the person that can travel around the world. With a finger snap, i be a new country. Just like in the "Jumper". Not to steal but to grab that one chance in life to be somewhere cold, romantic sun by the beach of Brazil, be high up Lady Liberty and party at Las Vegas.
" Dear Strawberry Tart, life is unfair to me right now. But i am so thankful that u are around. I am running around my world of dreams. You be hearing alot about it since then. Lucky u r listening..hihih"
under the sun light, i switch of the moon.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lost British in Ulu Klang - Memory
Along the way you bump into people who make dent in your life. Some people get kick from job. Some are born to suicide on top of apartment..a ghostly apartment. some are artists. Some become spaceman.
Then come myself..selfishly dreaming again and again. Wasting the golden time.
"Bro...apa kes?
" nahhh...nothing much. Spreading the word LOVE to myself. With this frustrating job...what else to dream"
"ala you can dream watever you want brother. What ever you like!"
" are right due"
" Jom lepak...ngeteh"
" okay saja...mane mahu lepak"
" for god sake, sudah sudah lah slang kau tu beruk"
"WTF...jom la lepak...kau ambik bleh"
Kuala Lumpur is blessed. Food, music, shops and traffics. To go out to the nearest shop might take 30min journey and it should concider Kuala lumpur wonders. And With RM100 in the wallet, it can be spend within 3 mins just buy buying nice T-shirt. Thats even wonderful.
Its rains quite heavy these few days. Lucky our sweet lovely trip to singapore the other week make it worth to visit. With no harm to judge, i highly respect the transportation and the city managment in Singapore. Salute..(seriously..i dont to talk much about that country...owh malaysia i love awak jugak)
"Bro...seluar pendek boleh"
"la apsal tak lepak je pun"
"manala tau...suddenly u bring me to high end place..die man..die"
"Fulus tak cukup bro..mamak sudey"
"Fulus pun K.O....but Milo pun sudah mahal"
" tau takpe...jom la layan kat area Damansara...opps..taklehh..minyak tak cukup"
'aissey...dekat dekat sudah"
I feel like living somewhere in Japan. Where cost of living and time travel time that will kill you. So what ever it is, i still have my heart to Kuala Lumpur.
Everyday i pray.I wish upon the unseen stars and blurry blue moon. With hope that all my wishes be granted. to make her my beloved wife and make babies like no body business.
Its about time now. To move ahead. Look straigh and be proud of my ability. Not to walk to fast. Having a leisure time looking around at people and browsing choices that is waiting to be grab, hold and cherish.
Life do not promise anything. We promise ourself. Why can we do that promise..make the promise.
Better late that never..better be smilling than cry a river of bitterly regrets.
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