Monday, August 17, 2009
Dear Azreel...
Still stress with the struggle to find a job. Wondering what these people looking for for their newly employed staff. Keep saying that my experienced that is not so impressing enough. Well fool, every people have their chance in their life to live the dreams that are meant. Again it's about giving people and chance..give me a chance.
A man with millions dream keep getting bullshit from bastard. Well, a legend rise from the a chance to shine and that one thing of millions wonders. That one thing can be a subjective matter but at the end of the day..the hard work and dedication to run towards the dream.
Screaming loud in my heart wishing for a better day. A lucky day that i have a job. Let it be just a simple thinggy job..but that simple thinggy job surely bring and good charm to prosper the good old dreams of mine.
Now as i said last nite before tido....I feel like writing something...words from me. and hope Ma, brothers and sister will share some of your time to read it.
Title: Dreaming Glow
Brief: Rap it like u are Tupac Shakur. A short story will along explaination...with every details explained..cheh..merapu...
Those who wish to follow,
i welcome with my hands,
cheers with me,
and be my dreaming glow.
When i write ryhme i go blind,
and speak with my heart and shine,
but what can i say, people still see with their sarcastic mind,
stressing..sick and frusrated,
That's the reality Bro,
there're cuts at every angle of my heart,
i am not a hater but the game that crash my dream,
i love my life and i don't wanna lose it fool,
and if you with,
put up your midle fingger and fuck you bastard.
Those who wish to follow,
i welcome with my hands,
cheers with me,
and be my dreaming glow.
Imagine you in my shoes,
am sure you get confuse,
lets hit the fact, and be realistic,
i still a young boy and ready to ride the wave,
Ma, bro and sis said one day everything will be fine,
and yeah, thanx, really appreciate.
I got the whole world to fight, the best is to keep believing,
and pray for a better day.
Those who wish to follow,
i welcome with my hands,
cheers with me,
and be my dreaming glow.
let Rewind for while,
My high school exam sux but then strive with Hons,
and that my first turning point of my life,
next i wish it be coming soon,
Same old freak will be working hard,
the dreams are so far away now,
and lets Playback and walking forward,
and God, now i understand...its the rise and fall,
i hope this is my fall and wishing for the dream to shine,
Everybody singalong,
Those who wish to follow,
i welcome with my hands,
cheers with me,
and be my dreaming glow.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
..its not just the sun thats hot..its the people's mouth
MY dear friends,
It's not fair for me to cry alone,
It's not fair for me to run and not looking back,
In the end of the road, i seek for help,
and you are not there.
My dear Friends,
World is ever cruel since its birth,
May god be with us to face the fact,
With His love and kindness be with us,
To survive this struggle of good dreams.
My dear Friends,
Will you lead me your shoulder?,
Will you be my window to see the rainbow,
From now and ever after,
Will you?
My dear Friends,
If you want to get out from my circle,
Will you please go far away,
My wish for you to never think of me,
May your name vanish in my life.
My dear Friends,
My bullshit make sense,
It smell very much like G.W.Bush,
But deep within the smelly shit,
I look at it....if its good i..i smile...if not..flush it!!
......aku lah FREAK!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Scott Morrissey and his journey to the Land Of Head Hunters
Mr. Scott Morrissey is currently in Kuching celebrating his freedom days without job. It's been a week and feeling not very well. Looks like having the H1N1 signs!!..damn..but whatever..knowing that seeing doctor will never be part of the plan. Let it be laa...100 plus and my bedroom...dah cukup.
I actually missed being around with my good friends in Kuala Lumpur. Thinking of it, its nice that you have few friends and very good ones but to many will trouble you. But the fact that i am alone here. Nobody else but the cousin and other related family.
As for some friends here, words come out very easy from their mouth but never really do what the mean. So i rather chill and lazy around this house...waiting for someone to call and ask me out..I am a total stranger in my home town.
Everytime i come back to this nice and easy going place, i will have this weird feeling that we here usually term it as "Side Effect". Yes, i wonder why and i don't need to tell you who. Its up to you to speculate anyone and i know that you are very GOOD in this speculating matters.
I really missed being around with a lover. A lover with lots of hearts and very kind with very sexual addiction that come in as added value..hahahaha...dah la lama tak keras..WTF....
I dunno what will happen tomorrow...maybe another lazy day here in Kuching...but later in the evening i'll be watching Public Enemy with my anak buah...
Cheers my readers!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Lost British in Ulu Klang Pt 6 - Dream and Fantasy...?...
Status:.....still at the buttom...?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day.....[Yayyy..]
By 2030 the number of automobiles in the world will increase by 50%. |
According to Chevron, the world consumes two barrels of oil for every barrel discovered. |
It took 125 years to consume the first trillion barrels of oil – the world will consume the next trillion in only 30 years, according to Chevron. |
By 2030 the world will consume 47% more oil than it did in 2003. |
During the last one hundred years the global temperature has warmed between 0.7-1.5°C. |
It is predicted that global temperatures in 2100 will be 1.4-5.8°C warmer than they were in 1990. |
The current pace of sea-level rise is 50% faster then in the last century. |
Scientists estimate the sea level will rise by 3.5-34.6 inches by 2100. |
Much of the United States has already warmed, by as much as 4°F. |
The five warmest years over last century have likely been: 2005, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004. The top 10 warmest years have all occurred since 1990. |
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide (a green house gas linked to climate change) in the atmosphere has increased by 35%. |
Diseases such as malaria are predicted to spread as the world grows warmer, due to the carriers of disease spreading out over a larger geographical area. |
Of particular concern is the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. A sudden collapse would raise sea levels 16-20 feet, though the likelihood of such a collapse before the year 2100 is low. |
Despite natural emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by volcanoes, for example, human activities are now adding about 7 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere every year. |
New energy discoveries are mainly occurring in places where resources are difficult to extract-physically, technically, economically, and politically. |
Oil production is in decline in 33 of the 48 largest oil producing countries,3 yet energy demand is increasing around the globe as economies grow and nations develop. |
Oil and gas currently provide more than half of the world’s energy supply, and according to the International Energy Agency, they—along with coal (which also releases CO2)—will continue to be the major sources of energy well into the 21st century unless things are changed. |
The International Energy Agency estimates that the world will need to invest $16 trillion over the next three decades to maintain and expand energy supply. |
Over half the world’s oil supplies lie in just 5 countries. |
Agriculture and biodiversity are already being impacted by global warming. 10% of all known plant species are under threat of extinction. |
Over 20 Million Americans, 6.3 million of which are children, suffer from asthma. Public health experts are worries that those numbers will rise with continued greenhouse gas emissions. |
People living in cities such as Atlanta, Baltimore, and Cincinnati could by mid-century see a 60% increase in the number of high smog level days. |
Diseases such as malaria and West Nile virus will occur in large numbers in the United States as a result of warmer temperatures. |
The Arctic ice pack has lost an area about twice the size of Texas since the mid-1970's. |
Automobiles count for almost a third of the U.S.'s Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions - the largest source after power plants. |
Each gallon of gasoline burned creates 20 pounds of CO2. |
Vehicles in the United States release more CO2 than all the energy sources (such as heating, electricity, vehicles, and factories) in all of India. |
As many as 15-37% of all wildlife species in some regions could be "committed to extinction" by 2050 years because of global climate change. |
Salmon, trout, and waterfowl are particularly vulnerable to climate change. |
Climate change is having a disastrous effect on coral reefs, including in the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and Mexico. |
Winter temperatures in the Arctic have warmed by as much as 7° F over the last 60 years, a faster rate than in any other region. This affects wildlife such as foxes, caribou, walruses, and polar bears. It also affects the lifestyles of native peoples in the Arctic. |
By planting a large tree that creates shade, one can reduce heating and cooling costs annually by up to 40%. |
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
saNdiwara Goes Advertising
Monday, April 20, 2009
....transmission error.....local host editted
Sunday, April 19, 2009
..and action!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Lost British in Ulu Klang Pt 5 - Where Are you...? Scott..
Monday, March 30, 2009
Kayshah Shaymalam
SungGuh beSh sekaLi minggu lePas. Ada Company farewell and pergi beRsama qaseh ku..Thank you sayang.
Well, last weekend ada this farewell to our fren.So melepak ke Port Dickson...Di Ilham Resort. That Saturday evening aRound 5pm..All of us when down to look for ATV ..(extreme park). We took this ATV and ride it cross the junGle and then to these dirt cum muddy circuit infront of the dewan..Layan..Dah la baDan kuRus bila tgh bawak laju and ambik corner..perghh kalau tak grip betul mau melayang ke teluk Kemang..hahaha.
Dah Habis main, perghh buruk betul rupe..baju kotor...balik..mandi....then prepare for the BBQ...
After Makan...kita org main this teka teka game la...WTF...amat lucu sekali!! I am sure gonna remember those funny2 action from them including myself...
After that...Pergi berjumpa dengan keluarga Qaseh. And malayan Nasi Lemak the Bomb!!layan..
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I was a wonderful time. Gile and freakism habis....rasanya tak larat nak menceritakan semua...nak rehat dahulu..penat kerja.!!

Monday, February 16, 2009
Keep life as Autopilot and Keep on Flying
daydreamin is the prediction of the future...
Last weekend, i watched my fav romantic movies for countless times for now. NoteBook, Gol & Gincu, American Wedding and Forgetting Sarah Marshal. These movies make me feel that love is nothing more than a companion that in in the needs and wants of people.
Living this hard times, i wish that we know what will come and a very predictable life. But in the end, let it be as what it supposed to be. Should be more exciting i guess. There are lots of strange things happening nowadays, phone monitoring, not to mention pornographic annouring. Shit, things become more exciting it sound to be but getting complicated too.
Actually, here to share some storie that i expericed it through my 23 years breathing. Valentine's day that weekend reminds me of my love hurt story. Called it my own epic journey of finding self relevancy,belief and motivation to move forward. Wish you could understand my story and take a ride for those with the same shoe.
I am not trying to bring this matter over and over again. i also dont what to let the person that i care right now to feeling down. I dont know how do feel towards me but this is just a story that might help you to realise that silence is pain.
I feeling so much better every since November. Trauma still living but i gotta make a move somehow or rather. Its not about you, her, or that person. but its a general story, suitable for all.
It is impossible to most of us to forget the worse,hurtful tragedy. I admit that it still hurting as i remember. Slide away from it. Love is being judge but words you ar saying. Some percentage falls in the gensture, the gift of the way you dress up. Words are the powerful weapon to create love. Choosing, selecting and using it will need to apply to the right person, situation and also place. Your own background, your own life in the best dictionary or words. But are those words mean true and just a compliment or false hope.
Both are innocent when comes to true feeling, despite the words, the actual meaning can be a misleading without further explaination. For example; "sorry...i have other things to and family"...but actualy ...there someone else better or not interested.
I like you but i love you...kinda complicated gak or vise versa
there are many other ways that makes us feel its complicated..the only thing that i trust is keep believing...that the most powerful one to start.
just remember,
Life is not about how many breath you take..but the moments that take your breath away!!
Autopilot me me with the kindness people.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Last British in Ulu Klang Pt 4 - Half in love with my shadow
“takde ape... Life itself a mystery.”
“oh yeah, “life is like a box of choclate..pastu aku tak tau ape..”
“Kerja okay ke?”
“yeah, sepatutnya okay, namun it is not as what I expected it to be”
“bro, you can just speak in English with me. Sounds funny when you mixed it up”
“hahaha, wonder how those british people speak in those days”
“hahaha, you can never know. Maybe they have a dikir barat group”
I considered myself as a cool, funny, fun and enjoyable person. Easy to get along and I remember a wise words from Scottish saying that “if you leave a horse alone, it dies. A commonsense that I would like to share here is that, don’t you ever leave the person that you care much alone. Be there at almost anytime. I know sometimes it is impossible. But try. The person will not die, unless god’s willing but the feelings my fades away. Please take note of what I’ve said.
Or maybe too much time together that ruins the relationship. Well it depends on how you see your relationship or the problem that occurs. Politically speaking that, it is a give and take situation that each individual have to understand. Everything will be fine. Hopefully, my advice will not promise any good will.
“dude, last night aku mimpi dia la”
“serious, was it a good or bad dream?”
“seems like a good one..but I is just a dream.”
“yeah..but after all, you have to believe if you feel that it is good dream, right?”
“yeah..hopefully something good will happen on 23 January”
“what…? Why 23 January?”
“I dunno…in my dream, I saw a piece of paper with writing saying 23 January 2009, 2245”
“wow…pray for good things for you bro”
“yeah thanx dude”
“lepak mana later”
“oh yeah, normal place la. Rindu the food and people there”
“OMG..mintak mintak the cheetah girls takde..”
“eww..damn..thats is so OMG.. muntah..”
How I wish that everything is perfect. Everything that we do,we see and we like. We are such a small person, created by God. He knows the best for us. A new year just started, what will happen? We will never know. Untill we know that is when we know.
It is time to move on. I did my best… doing the good things..and nothing comes out from that. Not as what I expected. Useless efford. Words of compliment pun tak dapat. So that’s it. Now I understand, kalau dah takde itu means no forever. Sounds like that person pun dating someone. Wishing all the best of luck and glory of love.
I wish I didn’t miss you anymore. So painful and I wish you understand. Regret I might say but when it comes to love, nothing compares to a great sacrifice. Make sense sometimes with certain conditions. Life is unfair when you spoiled it. It haunts you till the day you get you ‘pay back time’.
“Shit..bro..that girl again”
“damn, what a ….arghh”
“ hye there..lama tak Nampak u guys. Whats up”
“hmm,we are nothing more that we can do”
“kenapa tak balas my SMSs?”
“ did SMSs me?..when?
“come one..notty la..”
“serious..maybe u try again later”
“ohh okay..I nak gerak sana with my fren..ada mase join la kay”
“nah..we have lots of things to catch up.”
“babe, is that him?”
“yeah…OMG..feel my heart beat”
“wah…ohh my fren here”
“shut up, bitch!...tapi kan..i rasa dier mcm gay je”
“hmm..tak la…tapi yeah..i ada Nampak dier.Banyak kali gak..selalu dengan laki je.One time I saw him with a girl. Tapi my fren kate itu kakak dier”
“haa..yeah..i think itu kakak dier.”
“what I heard la..he is still paranoid with relationship”
“yeah..that is what heard too…here..there is always something new to try”
“babe, to him..maybe something sort of new pain in love..who knows”
“yeah la…takpe…let it be true or be legend”
Life is unpredictable. But ones you understand the situation around you. You will know what might possible to happen. Be careful in what you do. Don’t be like me and shout out loud, “ stupid cupid,why you give love that I don’t know?”
….s a m b u n g….
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Last British in Ulu Klang Pt 3 - Kawan Cinta Rasa
Should I mention, downloading movie and songs (complete ambum)…hooray torrent. Happened last week as well, while browsing for the latest Indonesian songs, there is this one song that I like. Really nailed straight to my heart and soul, It is from Ungu – cinta dalam hati (love in heart). I find it honest, very wise of him to say it. Who guys should listen to it. I am touched with the words. All of sudden, side effect datang lagi..well, that life and sick cycle carousal..hihih.
Enough with my gibberish. I should start another chapter of the Last British in Ulu Klang.
Would it be nice to be with you,
Would it be nice to kiss you….
“Good bye for forever?”
“But why?”
“You are not focused…still playing around. Enough my dear. I had enough. Misery and pain.”
“Why don’t you be more focused? “
That’s not all. It is not a fight. A normal argument that usually happened to most people when it comes to partnership in life. Is that true?
The famous words, “friends come and go”. Well, no matter how many or few you have, it will happened. Even if you gain new friends,someone might open the door and exit from your life. Moments that shared together means nothing anymore. You start to say “what a shitty,bullshit, idiot,crap,bastard..whatever it feel like to say”. As for me, I have a few, and that few I considered as my brothers and sisters. The stick with you through thick and thin, sweet and bitter life will be more meaningful.
“bro, ko kat ne?”
“I am at rumah aku. Why. Apa Case?
“Jom Lepak. Hart square”
“Okay. Cool.Waktu bila?”
“Waktu bila apa dier..i fetch you around 11”
Another night for me to catch up some things with friend and bitching about whatever. While waiting, I put on my iPod and select a cover song “womanizer” by Lily Allen. Ada rupa skit nie..hahaha.
Friend. What else is there that we can share. How if I like you, the best or the less of you. What else that might happen. It is not about me. More about you. In the end of day, how my heart feels of us. Would it be wonderful or painful? When my feelings be your feelings. Rasaku rasamu. Could it be another great love romance movie or journey to a shitty life.
Maybe it is my fate. To admire you without being love. I don’t know what else to do. You are happy with your own life. It been a long time I kept this feelings. To catch you in my arms again, to be in love and happy together.
Will you understand that I am still here waiting? Hoping that what I feel will make both of us happy. If not, please let me know. Allow me to hug you one last time, and be in the glory just for awhile.
“bro..aku kat bawah”
“sekejap. Aku put on my shirt and gosok my teeth yah”
…bersambung lagi…